Executive Summary

Internet along with the technology convergence have changed the way Business, Governance, and National security was, last decade has taken advantage of it to enable the social inclusiveness, economic growth and development, creating jobs, improving business, facilitating better transparency and accountability in governance. Cyberspace is the new frontier that has joined the traditional domains of land, sea, air, and space.

Keeping the above points in mind, this study is trying to take a comprehensive look at what is transpiring in the vast technology domain. Technology areas were cherry-picked that have a maximum sphere of influence with regard to Cyber Security gap that exists in the cyberspace, which is considered as a multi-dimensional concept and a complex issue straddling many disciplines and fields.

To understand the growing Cybersecurity challenges and strengthen our preparedness, the five underlying and transformational technology trends of imminent value to the digital economy in the manufacturing and service sectors were identified as– Cloud platform, SCADA , Internet of Things , Big Data and Financial transactions security. Along with these, Block Chain and Quantum Computing technologies would additionally raise the impact to very significant levels.

The study covers aspects of cybersecurity of these identified disruptive technologies recognizing the threat landscape, best practices to mitigate and the way forward to build resilient cyberspace.

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