Preparation of Detailed Project Report for preparing EFC Memo for “National Mission on Quantum Technologies & Applications”
Quantum Technologies & Applications is one of the 9 missions of national importance, being driven by the Prime Minister’s Science and Technology Innovation Advisory Council (PM-STIAC) through the (Principal Scientific Advisor) PSA’s office to leverage cutting edge scientific research for India’s sustainable development.
The areas of focus would both be in fundamental science and towards developing technology platforms in the Four (4) identified verticals viz., (i) Quantum Computing & Simulations; (ii) Quantum Materials & Devices; (iii) Quantum Communications; & (iv) Quantum Sensor & Metrology.
Recent developments at global level impress upon the need to develop and exploit the technologies, that are at the heart of the QTA-Some of the future everyday applications of quantum technology will be autonomous vehicle navigation, weather prediction, transportation planning, pharmaceutical development, secure financial communications, resource exploration, sensing and quantum encryption among the many others.
The mission aims at harnessing the potential of QTA and keep the country in league with the ones taking the lead in the domain, requires a detailed work-plan, comprehensively addressing all sectors and by involving all stakeholders.
DPR is proposed to be prepared on a consultative framework, under the guidance of a committee of experts. The Report shall be drawn by a team put together by TIFAC, seeking inputs from multiple channels-literature survey, expert opinion, global trends, brainstorming meetings, etc. Review by Steering Committee shall be conducted to ensure that the document is a well-rounded one.
Till 01-Dec-2019, following 4 National Consultative Meetings were held, 1 each on the four (4) verticals :
Draft Inputs on the Four Verticals are under preparation.
Date of Update: 03-Dec-2019
Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC)
(An Autonomous Body of Department of Science and Technology)
Vishwakarma Bhavan, A-Wing, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg,
New Delhi – 11-0016
TIFAC invites eligible candidates for the walk-in-interview for project positions in TIFAC under DST sponsored project entitled “Assessment of Government of India’s Gender Mainstreaming Programme for Women in Science” for the position of Field Assistant on contract basis initially for a period up to September 14, 2020 or co-terminus with the duration of project or till further order, whichever is earlier.
1. No. of Positions: 02
2. Consolidated remuneration: Rs.22, 000/- per month (with no other benefits)
3. Maximum Age: 40 years as on 31.01.2020
4. Essential Qualification: Bachelors Degree in Science/3 years Diploma in Engineering & Tech.
5. Desirable Experience: Working knowledge of Computers is a must
6. Nature of Duties: Collection, collating, analyzing and uploading the data at on-line project portal etc.
7. Reporting time: 11.00 AM to 11.30 AM on 05.02.2020 at TIFAC, Vishwakarma Bhawan Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg New Delhi-110 016
Eligible candidates may appear for a personal interview along with dully filled application form (annexure-1) and production of original certificates & Testimonials at above given address.
Application format is available here.
Please click here for download the Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR) Policy (Draft)
Comments invited on "Draft Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR) Policy" by 8.10.2019. Comments may be sent by email to: Dr. Parveen Arora, Adviser & Head, CHORD(NSTMIS), DST, New Delhi Email id: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The second waitlist of 3 candidates has been uploaded on the PFC website.
Opportunity to few candidates from all streams has also been given.
Clearance of first round of waitlisted candidates under WOS-C 11th Batch (Dated July 16, 2019) The last date for registration is July 22, 2019
Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council,
AI Block, Technology Bhavan, 5th floor, New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi 110016, India.
+91-11-26511248 |
ed[at]tifac[dot]org[dot]in |
Working Hours: 09:00AM-05:30PM |