Last Date: 19.11.2018 (5 PM)

Technology Information Forecasting & Assessment Council (TIFAC), An Autonomous Organization under Department of Science & Technology, GOI, invites tender for supply of Portable Drinking Water.


Click here for full tender document

Technology Information Forecasting & Assessment Council (TIFAC), An Autonomous Organization under Department of Science & Technology, GOI, invites ‘Sealed Bids’ in 2 bid system for housekeeping & pest control work from reputed agencies/firms fulfilling the criteria as laid down in Techno-commercial bid format as given at Annexure-I & II. The detail of job specifications and scope of work are given in Annexure-III. The contract period will initially be for a period of one year extendable on the basis of satisfactory performance and mutual consent on the same terms and conditions on yearly basis.

Click here for full tender document

(An Autonomous Body under Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India)
 NEW DELHI -110016 (INDIA)




Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC), an Autonomous Body under Department of Science & Technology (Govt of India), invites application for participating in  auction of  all moveable assets including Plant and Machineries  (on as is where is basis) lying at M/s Multi Arc India Limited, Plot No.126/1, Survey No.172/P, Umbergaon Notified Industrial Estate, Village Umbergaon, Taluka Umbergaon, District Valsad, Gujarat – 396 171.  The detailed terms and conditions of auction process and the Application Form can be downloaded from the TIFAC Website:

Incharge (Fin. & Admn.), TIFAC





Technology Information, Forecasting & Assessment Council (TIFAC)
(An Autonomous body under Department of Science & Technology,Govt. of India), Vishwakarma Bhawan, A-Wing,
Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg,  New Delhi – 110 016 (India)


TIFAC invites sealed bids for the following two tenders:

i.     Providing manpower services in TIFAC

ii.    Providing computer related services in TIFAC

Detailed tender documents alongwith terms and conditions are available on TIFAC Website:

Last date of submission of bids is 15th October 2018 (2 PM).

In-charge (Fin. & Admin.), TIFAC


For details about tender for providing manpower services in TIFAC Click Here

For details about tender for providing computer related services in TIFAC Click Here


Advertisement for DLY CARS & House keeping

Advertisement to be published on June 30, 2018 (Saturday) in Navbharat Times (Hindi) and The Hindustan Times (English) Newspapers in Delhi edition.


Technology Information, Forecasting & Assessment Council (TIFAC)
( An autonomous body under Department of Science & Technology,
Govt. of India ) Vishwakarma Bhawan,
A-Wing, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi – 110 016

Telephone No.(91) 42525626, 42525603 Fax: (91) 011 26961158


Sealed tenders are invited in two bid systems from the registered firms for the following services in TIFAC.

  1. Tender for Empanelment of DLY Cars

  2. Tender for Housekeeping & Pest Control


The tender forms containing terms and conditions can be obtained from


The tender (both bids) must be submitted before 20th July 2018 (5 pm) to The In-charge (F&A), TIFAC, A-Wing, 1st Floor, Vishwakarma Bhawan, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi – 110016.

In-charge (F&A)