The portal of WOS-C is now open for filling the online applications from 20th Feb-20th March, 2019. 


Click here for more details

TIFAC invites applications for engagement of a Consultant (Administration) and a Consultant (Accounts) on contract basis on consolidated remuneration.  Details of terms and conditions of engagement alongwith format of application are available on the TIFAC Website:
The applications duly completed in all respects alongwith copies of the testimonials must reach TIFAC latest by 07.03.2019

In-charge (Fin. & Admn.), TIFAC

Click here for more details


Selected Interns for Autumn 2018

TIFAC has advertised for requirement of student interns for Autumn 2018. As per approval of the competent authority, the following list of candidates has been selected which are as follows:

Topic  & Code Name of the Applicant Result

Technology for recovery of precious metals from discarded e-waste (SRJ02)

Mr. Tajamul Shafi (18AUT0041)


Development of automated web based horizon scanning system (HSC04)

Mr. Madhav Khatri (18AUT0029)


Mr. Gaurav Chatterjee (18AUT0033)


Comparative analysis of Fuel cell Electric Vehicle  vs. Battery Electric Vehicle (TFR16)


Ms. Chandana Ronad (18AUT0031)


Modeling of energy demand and delivery system for the transport sector (TFR17)


Mr. Raja Kushwaha (18AUT0013)


Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Study – Analysis of fast charging and battery swapping including standardization (TFR18)


Ms. Samvedana Benkin (18AUT0026)


Technology for Arsenic removal for safe drinking water (SRJ03)


No Intern was selected

Technology using rice husk ash for extraction of highly dispersible grades silica used for tyre manufacturing – An impact assessment (SRJ04)


No Intern was selected

Estimation of Electric Vehicle Penetration using Systems Dynamics Model (TFR14)


No Intern was selected

Foresight Study on Composites for automotive lightweighting applications & their recyclability (TFR15)

No Intern was selected

Securing Critical Resources Commensurate with the size of the Country (MAT02)

No Intern was selected

Assessment of biomass energy potential in India (BBP03)

No Intern was selected


A soft copy of the same has been sent by email and hard copy by post.




Technology Information, Forecasting & Assessment Council (TIFAC)
(An Autonomous body under Department of Science & Technology,Govt. of India), Vishwakarma Bhawan, A-Wing,
Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg,  New Delhi – 110 016 (India)

TIFAC invites applications for engagement of a Consultant (Hindi) and a Consultant (Legal Coordination) on contract basis on consolidated remuneration. Details of terms and conditions of engagement alongwith format of application are available on the TIFAC Website:

The applications duly completed in all respects alongwith copies of the testimonials must reach TIFAC latest by 8th October 2018.

In-charge (Fin. & Admin.), TIFAC


For details about Consultant (Hindi) -  Click Here .

For details about  Consultant (Legal Coordination) Click Here .