Women  Scientist  Scheme  (WOS)  is  a  flagship  programme  of  KIRAN  Division  of  Department  of  Science  &  Technology  (DST). Through  one  of  its  components-  ‘Women  Scientist  Scheme-C  (WOS-C)’-  it  provides  one  year  on-the-job  training  in  the  area  of  Intellectual   Property   Rights   (IPR).   Patent   Facilitating   Centre   (PFC)   of   Technology   Information,  Forecasting  and  Assessment  Council  (TIFAC)  has  been  entrusted  with  implementation of WOS-C.  


Topic Title and Code

Selected Candidate
Technology Foresight Study: Essential Oil (Flavours and Fragrances) (CHE01)    Ritika Fulara
Assessment Study on Deveopment of Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) Technology (CMT01)    
Bharti Jasrotia
Identification and Analysis of Weak Signals and their Implications for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (HSC03)    Revathy A.S.
Charging Infrastructure for Public Transport Buses (TFR11)    Sharankumar Shastri
Comparative Analysis of Emerging Vehicle Technology in Indian Context - Part I (TFR12)    Tharun Vaka
Self Healing Materials - Future Prospects and Pointers for R&D in India (TVN08)  
No suitable candidate found
Feasibility of Air Pollution or Toxicant Removal by Identifying Certain Plant Species in Delhi Region (ENV01) Bharti Jasrotia
Augmentation of Water Resource through Treatment of Grey Water using Algal Biomass (ENV02) Sheetal Gathona

Selected candidates will be informed by email and post.